
Showing posts from April, 2009

Best Friends-They say

I have seen friends which everyone does, but have you ever had a best friend. ? By the way what is exactly a best Friend? Best friend are those who are there to help you whenever you need them. They are true “ Friend in need is a friend in deed ” personality. A person might have 1000’s of friend, but at unfavorable times we remember only them. A best friend is not gender based, nor its age based. After all friendship doesn’t have any criteria or protocol to follow. Trust your friend blindly. You might end up with 2 things in life. 1) You’ll discover a true and faithful friend. or 2) You’ll learn a lesson from life. There are people who say that they do not keep best friend, rather they force themselves not to believe in one. Do you know why??? These are the people who have experienced point no 2, i.e. these are the people who should have had bad experience trusting their friends. They should have betrayed to an extent that they hardly get in to a new relationship. They s

Indian Obama

Aaah to tell you the truth we have no rights to tell or decide who should be the next PM, because our rights are only till selecting our MLA's which are at the leaf of the huge huge tree . Though I am very positive about our Indian Democracy I feel that it should be we who should select Indian Prime Minister directly. I cannot imagine Mayawathi and Basu ( From Bengal ) to be an Indian Prime Minister . Those Grand pa's and Grand ma's might be good at their own regional level but should it mean that we should  promote them to the country's highest regional office i.e, Prime Minister's Office.After watching President Obama. His speech, his passion toward development of this country. I think that we Indian too deserve an Indian Version of Obama. India too should find a youth who can turn Indian in to a Golden Bird once again. I'm not biased . But being an Indian i expect our PM to a person OUT of the BOX, I want a Prime Minister to be of Indian Origin He/She sho

Cartoons Fantasies

I always used to watch cartoon network and I used to be a big cartoon fan . I still remember me sitting in front of cartoon network, Disney times (In Star and Sony) and used to watch it as how a person regularly eats his/her food. In that child hood days I was fond of fairy tales . My favourite cartoons used to be Cinderella Arabian Nights Popeye, the Sailor Man Dexter’s Lab. Scooby Show And of course The legend of ZORRO, and the list will go on I used to see Arabian Nights to admire the beauty of Jasmine , I swear she’s the most beautiful female cartoon character I have ever seen in my life . I used to dream about me as a hero who saves Jasmine from evil person.. Crazy isn’t it. And after Jasmine I used to applaud Cinderella for her beauty and her caring nature . That character used to be so humble and generous that now I feel some way or the other it has created an impact on my life. I always dreamt of having some one in my life who can be as caring and generous as Cinderella. If I

Engineer Vs Plumber

Recently I was having a problem in my house regarding some water leakage. So I was having a conversation with my dad. Dad: Are you free today?? Me: (As it was a holiday) Yes. Dad: Then go and find a plumber .! Me: ok ( Had to agre e). There I go finding a plumber. I was searching for my old plumber who used to repair our needs before 3 years but damn I missed his contact number some where, but hold on guys I exactly knew where his shop was. When I reached that place, I found that the shop was closed . I thought of getting his contact number from the near by shop. But on enquiry I found that he was absconding from 2 years. Ooh man why these thing happens only to me. I was hunting for plumber from location to location. On the end of the day I found none . Do you know Even My street have 5* and plus Engineers ???? (*The toll is very likely to increase because these figures are appropriate as far as my knowledge is concerned) Thing which I learn ed People have gone crazy behind Engine

No-word with huge Potential

No , is just a two letter word . But it is one of the most powerful word in the language history. No is not bad how it seems to look in the first view. Some time No can be good for you which may not be the same for the third person. It can decide the way a person looks at you. A No can some time be far more better than yes. There are many pros of NO which people tend to forget. A No can give you immense pleasure and more breathing space than a normal life. You can live in your dream villa isolated from the real world for ages together. Some time it helps beak relationship. Do you know the favourite game of No is playing with fortune ?  No is an art which every one does not have.! The art of saying NO is developed by a person from their past experience, some time unknowingly. Some time No can be ignorance , some time a paradox. Ignoring No can lead to a serious consequence, which can imprint their remark in the sand of time for generation together. A yes may prove to be troublesome dea

Indian Police (Devil in Disguise)

This is for some thing which people would very rarely encounter in their life . So as a matter of fact even I did not encounter it, though I do want to write something or the other and express my feelings for some one .  I clearly remember that on 03.04.09 after the college timings I met one of my friends Parish ( Initially I knew him as one fellow from CSE but after the culture's RAPTURE-09 . I have seen him closely. And eventually turned to good friends ). We had a descent conversation, and finally I left for the bus, because it was getting late.  On the next day I had plans with one of my school friends and I went there for some important work. On the mean while I got a message from Rahul that some one from second year passes away in a accident do I know who is he ( I was shell shocked, who could he be ) ??. I didn't want to disturb my conversation with my school friend and continued with the work. Then I received a message from some one that Parish of CSE met wi