No-word with huge Potential

No, is just a two letter word. But it is one of the most powerful word in the language history. No is not bad how it seems to look in the first view. Some time No can be good for you which may not be the same for the third person. It can decide the way a person looks at you. A No can some time be far more better than yes. There are many pros of NO which people tend to forget. A No can give you immense pleasure and more breathing space than a normal life. You can live in your dream villa isolated from the real world for ages together. Some time it helps beak relationship. Do you know the favourite game of No is playing with fortune

No is an art which every one does not have.! The art of saying NO is developed by a person from their past experience, some time unknowingly. Some time No can be ignorance, some time a paradox. Ignoring No can lead to a serious consequence, which can imprint their remark in the sand of time for generation together. A yes may prove to be troublesome dealing with it, but a No will solve your entire problem. At the end it does not matter how you use your Yes, but the thing which matter is when you use a NO. If a No joins When, it can create history.

Conclusion: No is not that bad that it seems to be..


workhard said…
Yes.. i agree with u.. not everyone is able to say no.. No is a pretty strong word..

Poetry directory
Ronak Jain said…
Thank ya.. This is the one which consumed my maximum time.. lot of hardwork in there

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