
Ok in my previous post I have talked about quitting the Blog-O-Sphere, but  after thinking about it for a while I've decided not to do




I was reading a blog, there I found his blog having 2500 followers, he's a established blogger now. Upon reading his very old post I found that even he at some point of time thought to quit it because ‘ it was getting useless ‘. 

Well Well,

This story resembles mine.

Ive been in blogging for a while now, and as the matter of fact even I have the same feeling. I know that with 1 follower now it's never going to be 2500 follower. But now I will not even bother if I get it or not.


You will be asking why??


This is the reason why.

I always wanted to write a diary, but I never did because of fear of my secrets getting exposed (This is such a lame excuse you see; the real reason is that I really feel lazy writing stuff. I hardly complete my college assignments and some time I make my little sister do all work for me. I know it's cruel but we have a deal) .

I spend a lot of time on Internet, so blogging is handy for me.

Another reason why, I was reading my old post Engineer Vs Plumber. I felt as in I'm reading my past of what ever happened to me. It was funny. May be one day if I become personality like Bill gates, blog post will come handy writing my biography... lol. 

So I come to conclusion that I'm once again and active than ever before.



sm said…
yes good like the pic
this is the way original work is created.

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