
Showing posts from July, 2009


I was doing randomly some thing in Photoshop and I created this  Well I must say you that I wasn't actually thinking to make this but it just happened. This is the reason I'm blogging this post because many time I feel that while blogging about some thing I finally land up writing about topic which has no link with the original title. This can be handy some time but can be troublesome most of the time. Assume that while you're doing some important work and this bizarre thing happens, your boss abashes you telling you that you're fit for nothing. Some time even while driving you'll feel that you're in your own dream world with random thoughts hovering your mind. You might end up with an accident if you so not control your thoughts. For me it's creativity, that's how when a Music Composer wins Oscar and when asked “ how did you created it ?”, he'll say “ it just happened while I was thinking of some thing else ”. Strange world isn't i


Ok in my previous post I have talked about quitting the Blog-O-Sphere, but   after thinking about it for a while I've decided not to do   Why???   I was reading a blog, there I found his blog having 2500 followers, he's a established blogger now. Upon reading his very old post I found that even he at some point of time thought to quit it because ‘ it was getting useless ‘.  Well Well, This story resembles mine. Ive been in blogging for a while now, and as the matter of fact even I have the same feeling. I know that with 1 follower now it's never going to be 2500 follower. But now I will not even bother if I get it or not.   You will be asking why??   This is the reason why. I always wanted to write a diary, but I never did because of fear of my secrets getting exposed ( This is such a lame excuse you see; the real reason is that I really feel lazy writing stuff. I hardly complete my college assignments and some time I make my little sister do all wor

Quit Blogging ???

Yes you heard it right. from past few days I was thinking to quit blogging. because I realized that , No one is actually reading my blog, because he/she is actually being selfish . they read my blog so that I comment on their blog. So it being a basic WIN-WIN model. I'm really fed up with volatile traffic. Few days I get heavy traffic and on few other week I literally get zero traffic. There are many blogger who actually write better than me. so I feel theres no point in me writing any thing. I really read lot of random blogs. and thats the only reason behind me getting in to blog-O-sphere. So my readers, very few I know. Let me have some time so that I can decide to continue spending my time writing or not.