
Well, to start off, let me introduced you to one fact.

A person who is a Gay or one who is committed attract a whole lot of girls

Initially when I saw this fact in a survey, I just mocked at it, saying that this cannot be true. Why would a girls be attracted to ‘GAYS ‘, and why committed men, don’t they want to have a successful relationship with any single available person???

But to tell you the truth guys, this really hold true.

But how???

Here is the answer

I know a person Named X, who is committed with a female Y. This Mr. X where ever he goes speaks with girls very kindly. It implies that every girl he speaks with, just have 3 words in their mind ‘He is great‘. Though all the girls know that he is committed they still talk with him in such a way that they want to have a serious relationship with him. Be it juniors or class mates, man he rocks.

Where as, look at me. I’m not very sure that if I attract a female group or not. But I can say you that I definitely attract a lot of attention. Attention just because of 2 reasons, one my physique (Which I feel is perfect according to my trainer in my GYM where I went few days ago, though I feel he may be wrong) and another because of few extra curricular activities which I usually to do.

Well it’s said that ‘You should not praise your self in public’, but these are the only 2 things I have which could possibly be, praise worthy. Still I do not attract any. Pity on me. Can i get a girl for my self .. ?

But you know what, female gender is usually not bothered about all this, all they want is a person who praises them. Even if they are tube light, you should praise them as if you have never seen a person with such a beautiful figure and a solid mind. In short a perfect girl, like a Miss Universe. People should realize that every one cannot look smart, nor can have a good solid brain. I really admire Girl for their humble, kind and caring nature. I owe them for their selfless deeds. In fact Females are the only person whom I look for when I feel completely helpless, be it my class mates or my Mom. They are irreplaceable.

I owe god for making woman such a caring personalities.

But I always wonder that why only a boy should start the talks or interaction, Even if a girl attracted to a male, why shouldn’t they initiate the talks. (This implies to 90 percent of girls I met till date).

The second Fact is also true when once I read an article about Celina supporting Gay Rights in India, this article was touching and here is the link click me

These Opinion are my personal views, please do not take it as a generalized opinion. I would love if few chicks comment on this.


Rahul Jain said…
By that you meant, you're the one who does everything keeping in mind that a girl should be impressed by you..
isn't it?
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Ronak Jain said…
Ya rahul.. You bet ..!!
sm said…
ty for sharing experience

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