Indian Police (Devil in Disguise)

This is for some thing which people would very rarely encounter in their life. So as a matter of fact even I did not encounter it, though I do want to write something or the other and express my feelings for some one
I clearly remember that on 03.04.09 after the college timings I met one of my friends Parish (Initially I knew him as one fellow from CSE but after the culture's RAPTURE-09. I have seen him closely. And eventually turned to good friends). We had a descent conversation, and finally I left for the bus, because it was getting late. 
On the next day I had plans with one of my school friends and I went there for some important work. On the mean while I got a message from Rahul that some one from second year passes away in a accident do I know who is he (I was shell shocked, who could he be) ??. I didn't want to disturb my conversation with my school friend and continued with the work. Then I received a message from some one that Parish of CSE met with an accident. There I go calling Rahul but those guys had already reached some where and I cannot leave them (My school friends alone because I was the one who planned that occation). I felt terrified. On knowing the cause of the accident (by my friend Sahil),I came to know that, he was hit by a truck at his head and he was bleeding heavily, added to that he was waiting for ambulance for more than 40 minutes. Doctors at the Life line Hospital told that if he had been 10 minutes earlier he could have been saved
It's really very sad to disclose that the people nearby did not even bothered to carry Parish through some other means of transport so that he could have been saved, in fact he was looted (His cell phone and gold chain) . I imagined my self at his place and I could imagine shear pain which he would have been going through. Why are people so afraid of doing some help to other people, just because it's a Police case? Why is the Police image in the people's mind so bad. Many feel that if they get involved they will be harassed and they'll be the one to be prosecuted. I took a decision that if ever in my life I get in to a similar situation, I'll help the other person. Let me see the consequence later. I hate those cowardice people who show their back in need of help.

PS: who ever reading this blog please make a promise to your self that you'll not show your back to any one.


Ankit Ashok said…
Thats so sad.
Though I dint know him, May his soul rest in peace.
Rahul Jain said…
It's a matter of second thought..

Whenever police do some appreciating job, there is no blog written on them, like they used they caught hold the 'terrorist' in 11/27 attack, they were not even appreciated, but when they go wrong somewhere there's a huge issue created on them,

The put the whole blame on Government, when they sacrifice their life, what do they get??, they get only a medal, is medal comparable with their life, instead of giving any financial aid to their family, they get a medal made of 40% gold, not even enough money could be gathered by selling it..

I even blame people who were their, take my example, If I would have met with a person who'd be lying down fighting with death, I'll hesitate for a moment to help him, but I'll help that person or not, that situation will only decide..
So, the fault is even with us somewhere, but police are not the only one to be blamed..
Ronak Jain said…
Aggreed. but it's the impression that those police guys have created that we hesitate to help other person.
I was there at that place, the first thing that will strike out mind is that it's a police case. Stay away from these things.
In India people are coward that's what i feel
Sushil said…
Sorry to hear about the death. I too am a firm believer in wanting to help people in their need. But having been through a bad experience on the road (of being mugged) and also reading up about a lot of others having gone out of their way to help accident victims (accidents being no fault of theirs) being made out to be the accused in the accident case. The the innocent helper has to bear the brunt of paying for the treatment and also get out of a police case as well. Stop and help by all means but make sure you have a good network of people who can bail you out of trouble which invariably arises. Also you need people willing to support you and help you help the accident victim. Usually the locals will try to make money off whoever they can - rather than help the accident victim. Take care - but try to help.
Ronak Jain said…
I prey that this shouldn't be the case. People are usually very generous enough. But if we try to change the system all this can be stopped. Many innocent helpers are humiliated and harassed.

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