
Showing posts from January, 2010


Believe me, when we look at this word, all our nerves energizes. I used to love the work anonymous few days ago. Be it a prank from a known friend or comment from a good old friend. But now, this word doesn't attract me much. You would be asking why? Mostly people use this 'unidentified identity' to fool people around. This could be getting a sms friend from a known friend pretending to be a girl/boy respectively. Once it so happen to me that a friend of mine played prank in the name of 'Malaika'. Well as a matter of fact I do not know any person by that name. But why do people scare or rather prefer to be undisclosed. Be it a comment, or be it any thing which could be said directly to the other person. Once I received an anonymous comment stating the following thing.     " Your blog is the worst I've ever read. Day by day it's getting horrible. WTF is this ." Well to be true. When I compare my blog with that of others it's really no where