
Showing posts from February, 2009

Greenathon, A success though a failure.

With NDTV and Toyot a launching Greenathon , it's a huge event, with a country wide scale. They promise to light up 67 villages across India. With a huge Star Cast following every half an hour or so, that event is going to create the much needed awareness for the general public. Iam now feeling to contribute some how or the other to the environment, so do many of my peers would have been feeling after watching the cause. I’m pretty sure that out of 100 crore population of India, the educated youth will be greatly inspired and will do all which is possible to save out Mother Earth. It's notable that with just 2.4 crore and plus collected they are in fact going to light up 67 villages which have never seen electricity through out their existence. Government could indeed take a step forward and start allocating funds to organization like these, so that at least they could do the needful enough for the society. I really feel that some where around there is a India(I mean we In