
Showing posts from September, 2008

Large Hadron Collider website attacked by hackers

A group of hackers calling themselves the "Greek Security Team" has attacked computer systems inside CERN's Geneva, Switzerland. Its been said that around half a dozen files have been uploaded by the hackers group. Its intresting to note that these hacking group were able to come so close to the main control systems..  CERN scientists says no harm was done but that the break-in raises security concerns.We are 2600 - dont mess with us. ,".2600 refers to hackers group publishing technical information about telephone switching systems, the Internet and other technology, as well as computer-related news. The group warned in a message to CERN engineers. The world's biggest experiment ever is virtually in threat. 

Google Chrome

Well if you ask me, i'm a bit attracted. but not completely. Google Chrome has record 20 million downloads. But i wasnt satisfied by its looks at all. Now in the age of5th  generation of computer.  people are least bothered about the performance the only thing which bothers we people is LOOKS. Sorry to say Google i was not at all impressed.  But if you people are really intrested in the performence then GOOGLE CHROME is the actually good.It's much more faster and the best part is now there is no need to know a website because if the website match exactly i'll take you directly to the web site or it'll search it for you in google or which ever web site  Its said that it's actually 42 times faster that Internet explorer and some 7 times faster than Mozilla fire fox. So obviously there is some thing diffrent in Google Chrome. It a sensation and even with BETA version it's managed to rock the world. I doubt what will happen to IE when google will launch a complete v